Anita Davis
Oct 14, 2008

Lynx launches online game

SYDNEY - Unilever has localised the latest installment of its 'Lynx effect' campaign in Australia through a virtual game where players must help Chocolate Man navigate through a city filled with women looking to eat his body parts.

Lynx launches online game
The 3D game, created by Amnesia, promotes the brand’s Dark Temptation Chocolate body spray.

In the game, crowds of lustful, chocolate-crazed‚ women try to tackle Chocolate Man and eat him. They snatch his arms, legs, feet and torso until players are only steering the characte’‚s suspended head.

Players have the further option to use a code that makes the women’s clothes disappear, leaving them bikini-clad while running through the city.

The most successful users reach the end of their routes with Chocolate Man's body in tact, and win all the women as a reward.
Campaign Asia

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