Apr 21, 2010

8 Days | Gr8 Days Every Week | Singapore

8 Days, MediaCorp's weekly lifestyle and entertainment magazine in Singapore, has released an above-the-line campaign to advertise its new look and content.

8 Days MediaCorp Singapore
8 Days MediaCorp Singapore
MediaCorp’s internal creative services division is behind the project. Local celebrities including Gurmit Singh, Glenn Ong, Dim Sum Dollies, and professionals such as plastic surgeon Woffles Wu and chef Sam Leong heavily support the campaign. The infamous Singaporean pageant queen Ris Low also stars in the campaign.

The creative concept behind the spot is to substitute the number '8' into words like ‘stimu8’ and ‘accentu8’. The campaign is meant to be fun with a sense of irreverence to bring out the friendly ‘signature tone’ of 8 Days. The radio ad is a rap announcement by DJ Shan Wee.

“8 Days is all about celebrities and lifestyle. We wanted a head-turning way to draw attention to our makeover so we invited media personalities from the showbiz and lifestyle scenes to help us spread the word.” said Lau Kuan Wei, editor-in-chief at 8 Days.

The campaign marks MediaCorp's expansion of 8 Days' content. Lau highlighted that there will be more food and health related columns, celebrity gossip and a cheeky section titled 'Shirtless Guy of the Week'. People can also anticipate occasional content contributions by media personalities. Separately, 8 Days will drop its TV schedule pages.

8 Days Ris Low


Project New-Look 8 Days
Client MediaCorp Pte Ltd (Publishing)
Creative agency MediaCorp Creative Services
Executive creative director Alan Seah
Creative director Cecil Hamilton
Associate creative director Paul Chai
Copywriter Michael Brendan Ng
Senior graphic designer Roy Lai
Chief photographer Steve Zhu
Music & sound design Zakaria Rasli
Producer Sharon Calenthral Tan
Director of photography Ryan Seet
Post-production company VHQ
Exposure Television, print, radio, outdoor, online

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