
Oct 16, 2023

Using AI to combat 'smile shame': Inside Colgate's drive to improve mental health in APAC

Smile shame, stemming from external comments and personal self-doubt, can lead to low self-esteem, social anxiety, and strained relationships. Campaign speaks to Colgate to find out how the brand is turning all frowns upside down.

Aug 10, 2023

How Colgate is getting consumers to confess the lies they tell dentists

For two days in New York City, people can come clean in the brand’s Totally Honest confessional.

May 16, 2023

Colgate empowers a toothless granny's 'cutting machine'

Watch the film conceptualised by team WPP here

Jun 9, 2021

Colgate's new hum: Brand unveils global sonic branding

What does universal optimism sound like? According to Colgate and MassiveMusic, it sounds like this.