
Aug 21, 2024

Scott Galloway claims diversity initiatives lead to ‘reverse racism’

The marketing professor didn't hold back at an Australian conference, claiming that the 'only position more dangerous than CMO is DEI'. He also added that employers should be focusing on socioeconomic background rather than race.

Mar 9, 2024

CreativeX study: Advertising continues to overlook and stereotype dark-skinned and older women

CreativeX founder and CEO Anastasia Leng said the findings represent a “gap between intent and action” in the industry.

Nov 7, 2023

Unstereotype Alliance to assess race, disability and age representation in ads

Unstereotype Alliance to assess race, disability and age representation in ads

Jul 15, 2022

Diversity conversations exclude the non-Western point of view

The populist world doesn't care about the African migrants who were beaten to death at the Spanish border.

Jun 14, 2022

More than a quarter of ethnic minority women say they are portrayed negatively in ads

Research from the Unstereotype Alliance shows invisibility is also a prominent issue.

Jun 1, 2022

Diversity is a priority in workplaces; but employees want pay parity

EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH: Based on Campaign Asia-Pacific’s annual study in collaboration with Kantar, policymaking and awareness are high on the agenda for the marcomms industry. Yet, inequitable salaries, workplace stress, and gender-related harassment remain largely unchanged.