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Oct 11, 2016

Asia-Pacific YouTube Ads Leaderboard: September 2016

This month's most popular ad videos on YouTube run the gamut from 13-minute dramas to 30-second comedies.

Taiwan Star
Taiwan Star

Campaign Asia-Pacific is pleased to present the YouTube APAC Ads Leaderboard, a monthly list curated by Google.

Introductory comments from Google:

The great thing about online is the sheer variety of content, and this month’s YouTube Ads Leaderboard list demonstrates this well. On the one hand, Vietnam has cornered the market in long-form mini-dramas, with the top two ads on this month’s leaderboard taken by ads from Mirinda and Pond’s Vietnam running to around 13 minutes long and playing like the kind of TV episodes viewers love to binge-watch; at the other end of the scale you have Listerine Korea’s comic 30-second spot. 


2. Khi Tôi Là Tôi (for Pond’s Vietnam), Phim ngắn "KHI TÔI LÀ TÔI" [Official]:

3. Taiwan Star, 梁祝經典再現 虐心戀情結局令人翻白眼!? 荒唐啊!:

4. Play Station JP, PS4®が新価格」:新型「PS4」×『ペルソナ5』動画:

5. Listerine Korea, 만원 엘리베이터 안, 자신감이 필요해? [리스테린 토탈케어]:

6. Bie The Ska (for Hya C) (TH), ปิดตาทายแฟน บี้ ออร์ Feat. ดิว-หญิง โอเล่-น้ำ (by HYA C):

7. Champion Physical Fitness Uniform, CPFU the Dance/Yuuka Tano with TRIQSTAR:

8. Royal Clash (KR), 프린스의 룰:

9. Jollibee Philippines, Kwentong Jollibee: Kahera:

10. Glico Japan, アーモンドピーク クリエイターズ・ファイル 告知ムービー:

About the Asia-Pacific YouTube Ads Leaderboard

The YouTube Ads Leaderboards showcases the most creative ads that people choose to watch. The list represents the top 10 ads on YouTube in Asia-Pacific that resonated most with audiences across the region over the past month and celebrates the brands that performed best through a combination of popularity and promotion.

Campaign Asia

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