
Sep 25, 2020

Lenovo eschews high-voltage celeb endorsements for global Yoga campaign

Consumer electronics brand embraces functionality over bells and whistles as it seeks to stand out in competitive market in a campaign by SuperHeroes.

Jul 5, 2018

Why Superheroes will soon be landing in APAC

Amsterdam-based independent creative agency plans to open a shop in Singapore in the next few months.

Oct 5, 2016

Asus unveils madcap 'streetsourced' ad

Aliens and dinosaurs feature in a commercial scripted by random people on the street.

Sep 24, 2014

Don't focus on technology when marketing technology: SuperHeroes

SPIKES ASIA - “We save the world from boring advertising,” Rogier Vijverberg, executive creative director and founder of Amsterdam-based agency SuperHeroes, boldly declared during his seminar Tuesday afternoon.

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