
Jul 28, 2011

Group buying brands in Hong Kong dominate Google Zeitgeist 2011

HONG KONG - On the minds of Hong Kong googlers in the first half of the year were group buying brands like Groupon, Groupbuya, and Group buyer, according to the 2011 mid-year Google Zeitgeist.

Dec 10, 2010

Tiger Beer tops Singapore’s list of most-searched TVCs online : Google

SINGAPORE – Google has released its annual Zeitgeist list, which finds the Tiger Beer commercial the fastest-rising searched ad in Singapore for the year.

Jul 30, 2010

FIFA World Cup tops Google searches in Hong Kong and Taiwan

HONG KONG – Google’s Zeitgeist has revealed the most searched keywords in the first half of the year for Hong Kong and Taiwan, with 'FIFA' and 'World Cup' taking the top spots.