
Oct 5, 2009

WiMAX | Potong Now | Malaysia

Malaysian broadband service P1 W1Max (P1) has kick-started its 'Potong now' (meaning to cut) campaign daring users to cut the slow landline connection and get a better service.

Oct 5, 2009

WiMAX | Potong Now | Malaysia

Malaysian broadband service P1 W1Max (P1) has kick-started its 'Potong now' (meaning to cut) campaign daring users to cut the slow landline connection and get a better service.

Oct 5, 2009

WiMAX | Potong Now | Malaysia

Malaysian broadband service P1 W1Max (P1) has kick-started its 'Potong now' (meaning to cut) campaign daring users to cut the slow landline connection and get a better service.