david liu

Dec 11, 2013

Weber Shandwick launches Fashion Next to put Chinese designers on global stage

BEIJING - Weber Shandwick China has launched a new service offering, Fashion Next, dedicated to raising the profiles of emerging Chinese fashion designers and artists, not just in China but globally.

Feb 24, 2012

David Liu promoted as chairman of Interpublic’s CMG division

BEIJING - David Liu, managing director of Weber Shandwick China since 2006, has been promoted to China chairman for Interpublic’s Constituency Management Group (CMG), which houses Interpublic's specialist marketing services businesses including FutureBrand, GolinHarris, Jack Morton, Octagon, and Weber Shandwick.

Nov 15, 2011

The Engine Group launches new global brand consultancy, completes first Asia acquisition

SHANGHAI - The Engine Group, the UK’s largest privately-owned communications group, has announced the creation of a new global brand consultancy: Calling Brands.