
Jan 15, 2024

10 questions for the ad industry in 2024

From generative AI to DE&I, here are the topics Campaign is investigating this year.

Jan 2, 2024

What’s hot and what’s not in 2024: The essential trend report for savvy marketers

OUTLOOK 2024: Only the most valuable insights from all the top industry reports on trends and predictions for the coming year. We look at them all so you don't have to.

Jan 10, 2023

Trend cycles: how brands can catch a ride

Cultural shifts, once given the time and space to grow organically, now coagulate and dissipate at speed, due in no small part to the ubiquity of the internet. So how can brands keep up with and tap into these rapidly moving trend cycles?

Jan 3, 2023

The only 2023 marcomms trend report you actually need to read

OUTLOOK 2023: Only the most valuable insights from all the top industry reports on trends and predictions for the coming year.