toys r us

Nov 2, 2018

Why it's time for toys and toy ads to go gender-neutral in Asia

Many children's products are still created and marketed according to narrow gender stereotypes, which experts say leads to a variety of social problems. But efforts to make change in this part of the world are still nascent.

Sep 18, 2013

Cartoonland Creative Studio expands Barbie-branded experience to Hong Kong

HONG KONG - Girls can enjoy a fairytale experience at Cartoonland Creative Studio (CTI), which is the first licensed company to provide Barbie-themed photo shoots in Hong Kong with sponsorship from Mattel.

May 9, 2012

Toys 'R' Us pilots e-commerce play on Tmall in time for Children's Day in China

CHINA - Ahead of Children's Day on 1 June—typically its single largest day of sales—Toys 'R' Us has commenced its e-commerce strategy with the launch of a Taobao flagship store on the mainland's business-to-consumer shopping platform,