life as an lgbtqia in asia

Jun 29, 2021

A Singapore perspective: Life as an LGBTQIA+ person in the ad industry

In the fifth iteration of our LGBTQIA+ interview series, a Singaporean agency leader discusses why he doesn’t have an issue with virtue signalling, and how his activism work has influenced the way he runs his business—as he hopes to build a more welcoming society for future generations.

Feb 10, 2021

A Vietnam perspective: Culture and working life as an LGBTQIA+ person in the industry

In the fourth iteration of our LGBTQIA+ interview series, we turn our attention to Vietnam, a market that has made some policy progress in recent years, but with discrimination and stigma still common, many continue to hide their identities.

Dec 15, 2020

A Malaysia perspective: Culture and working life as an LGBTQIA+ person in the industry

In the third iteration of our LGBTQIA+ interview series, we turn our attention to Malaysia, where one individual—despite living under repressive laws—has found acceptance and is optimistic about the future of the country's community.

Sep 17, 2020

A Japan perspective: Culture and working life as a LGBTQIA+ person in the industry

In the second iteration of our LGBTQIA+ interview series, a Japan-based executive discusses his experience coming out to his coworkers, and aspects of religion and culture that disenfranchise the community.

Jul 28, 2020

What's it like working in the industry as an LGBTQIA+ person? Two Asia-based executives share their experiences

Two openly-LGBTQIA+ individuals imagine a future where there is no longer a need to close diversity gaps. But more focus is needed on gender and sexual identity to get there.