Sutha retains his head of planning role. His first order of business was to assemble Proximity’s core leadership team by the appointments of Ongpin and Ng.
The team will be servicing KFC, U Mobile, RHB, Mars, Pedigree, Visa, SCJohnson and British Council brand portfolios.
Michelle Achuthan, managing director at BBDO Proximity Malaysia, noted that the core leadership team is a strategic move, as talent is the most important element in building a successful communications business.
With more than 17 years of work experience including strategy planning, brand consulting, media planning, digital strategy and B2B sales, Sutha will be charged with turning the agency into a “one-on-one communication powerhouse that brings brands closer to people, and people closer to brands”, Sutha said.
“We want to do integrated work," he added. "Our objective is not just to create great websites, social pages, or restrict ourselves to the Internet and digital arena.”
Given the agency’s objective to bring together multi-level campaigns, 'fluid marketing' and advertising programs that uses all forms of one-to-one communication, adding capabilities in direct marketing, shopper marketing, CRM, analytics, content creation and events will be on the top of the agenda.
“We do not want to simply create advertising, digital or otherwise," Sutha said. "We want to create content—content that people want to spend time with. Time is the most important currency that our consumers have."
Starting off his career as an industrial economist, Ongpin’s work spans across Asia in various roles. He was previously a digital entrepreneur in Manila before accepting his position as head of digital at BBDO Proximity Malaysia.
Ng, meanwhile, has spent his decade-long career in digital creativity and has worked on brands such as Maxis, Nokia, Heineken, Levi’s and CIMB. Most recently with OgilvyOne, he is also the co-founder of fashion site Pestle & Mortar.