
Apr 21, 2016

Web apps: The force awakens

The current usage and popularity of mobile apps carries with it some issues for marketers. It's time to seriously look at the nascent technology of progressive-web apps, writes Shyam Sandilya of Ecselis.

Jan 15, 2014

A mobile site should top every brand’s agenda

The performance of websites optimised for mobile is undeniable, so why aren't more brands prioritising their development?

Oct 25, 2012

Opinion: The big cookie debate and privacy issue

Gregory Fortune, head of digital and client leader for Mindshare Singapore, points out that allowing browsers to block cookies by default would allow login sites, such as Facebook and Google, to monopolise tracking data.

Oct 18, 2012

Web analytics are finally getting simpler

The days of “data pukers”, as Google’s digital marketing evangelist Avinash Kaushik terms them, are numbered as clients demand greater simplicity.

Aug 12, 2010

StarHub partners with Mindshare for web TV platform

SINGAPORE - Starhub has partnered with Mindshare to develop online content for its web TV platform, and will assist content producers from early funding to debuting the programmes.

Jul 8, 2010

HKIRC said online retail and user engagement is lacking in .hk domains

HONG KONG - Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation (HKIRC) has announced the lack of online retail platforms and secure payment measures under the .hk domain.