The appointment was made at the end of December, after a series of meetings. The contract takes effect this month.
The fight for market share in Indonesia is getting fiercer, as many new brands and categories are available, said Damon Hakim, CEO at Red Comm.
The bottled RTD (ready to drink) segment is especially strong in Indonesia, led by green tea drinks as the most popular bottled RTD product.
Brands are using different strategies, such as pricing and product properties, to make their products stand out and grab market share, Hakim said.
“As for Pepsi, the brand is there already,” he said. “The task for Pepsi is not about making the brand cool, but reminding the market how cool Pepsi is as it has always been. Pepsi was and is a very strong global brand for the young-spirited market. As for Indonesia, we just have to remind them.”